“Being a Birunian means looking at the future with confidence” - Biruni Üniversitesi

“Being a Birunian means looking at the future with confidence”

    Yayın Tarihi :
    23 Ağu 2022 Salı
“Being a Birunian means looking at the future with confidence”

    Biruni University, from the view of Ravzanur Eker, a graduate of the 2021-2022 Faculty of Pharmacy

    Our university is proud of raising individuals who are successful in their profession, competent, know what they want, are self-confident, aware of their opportunities and responsibilities, aware of universal standards, respect cultural differences, and have ethical and moral awareness. Being aware of the fact that education lasts for a lifetime, our graduates always come to our University, whose doors are open forever, and continue to add to their professional and social knowledge.

    Ravzanur Eker graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy 2021-2022: 

    “Information is now everywhere; I believe in the power of social riches and the environments that nourish you. Even a flower does not grow unless it loves its place.”

    “I finished the pharmacy department by studying at 3 different universities, and I left school for a while between all these. Now, in the week when #YKS results are announced, to my fellow students, I leave a question at the end of the article. ? ? About 2 months ago, Linkedin’s vegetation was the graduation posts of us new graduates. I wanted to come out of a mere graduation post, waiting for the new placement period a bit. There was a science fiction series that I watched with my brother during this period. In the series, they chose doctors, pharmacists, and farmers for food, while determining the 100 people who will go to space. At that time, my brother turned around and said, ‘Look, even if the world comes to an end, healthcare professionals will not be unemployed’, and we laughed. Likewise, a month later, I listed Atatürk University Faculty of Pharmacy above Computer Engineering, which I wasn’t sure I wanted with this thought. This choice was actually a way of guaranteeing life for us Anatolian children. ?Although I was happy with my choice at first, as my entrepreneurial muscles developed and I realized that I did not want a monotonous life, I started to get confused. It must have been mixed well enough that I decided to drop out of school after the health problems I had in the summer of 3rd grade. I decided to move to the Philosophy Department of Istanbul University with the lateral transfer and I placed first in the department. When I was going to cancel my registration from Atatürk University, I learned about the special student program and learned that I could study at Istanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy and solve my health problem at that time. I applied and a month later I was able to get two student certificates from e-Government, because I was a student of philosophy and pharmacy. Of course, the Anatolian boy deleted his record from philosophy and continued to pharmacy. ? In my last year, I visited Biruni University Faculty of Pharmacy. At that time, I met with one of my professors who was going to change my life and happens to be the dean of the faculty,  Prof. Dr. Ismail Tuncer Değim. When they saw my work and success in the field of entrepreneurship, I was transferred to this private university. When my teacher took me out of the oppressive, restricted environment and gave me opportunities in a free and supported environment, we have achieved 5 different successes in a year.

    TRT shot an episode of their documentary series with us, and we received our first award in the global arena. ? Thus, I completed my open buffet higher education life by experiencing universities and private universities in Anatolia and Istanbul. A lot of people ask me which one was good. Information is now everywhere; I believe in the power of social riches and the environments that nourish you. Even a flower doesn’t grow if it doesn’t love its place. What a coincidence, their slogan was ‘It’s worth it’. ❓ Now, including 200 people who graduated with me, we all give the same answer to the question of ‘what is your profession?’. But if you have nothing left to tell that makes you different when you graduate, what difference does it make to have a few signatures on a big fancy paper?

    I felt valuable the moment I entered from the door of Biruni University. I would like to thank my Rector Prof. Dr. Adnan Yüksel and Faculty of Pharmacy Dean, Prof. Dr. İsmail Tuncer Değim for their contributions.”